Monday, November 1, 2010

FarmVille Wild Turkey Giftable--Should We Expect Turkey Roosts Soon?

Wild Turkey on 'Free Gifts' Page
The 'Free Gifts' page is now showing the FarmVille Wild Turkey as a limited time giftable. Try to send these gifts back to friends ASAP. If the limited gift expires on the gifting page before you do, you cannot send the turkey back.

There have been rumors of an unreleased Turkey Roost coming to FarmVille. Whether the giftable Wild Turkey a sign that the roost may be here soon or just a Thanksgiving-themed present remains to be seen. One thing we do know is that limited time free giftables have been hanging around for less than a day lately. So it's best to send and receive as many of these while you can. You can always sell them off later.

Do you think the Turkey Roost will be released this week?


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